Ina Jansen
Etheric oils

Etheric oils

Your own home pharmacy

Essential oils extracted in a respectful way from plants, trees and bark can support you in the processes you are currently going through. There is always an oil just right for you on a physical, mental and emotional level. Intuitively you feel exactly which one you need.

In this way essential oils are part of my life and I can help you with that too. It can be that by events in your life you have lost your trust on your intuition, then a trajectory with me is a beautiful step to connect with this again.

When you start working with an oil, you will experience how it is a valuable aid that knows exactly the way to open the doors in your body again, so that blockades simply dissolve and you will be able to reach your true self more and more (also read here: your self-healing capacity)!

Would you like to experience essential oils for yourself? I will gladly explain more about it. Ordering straight away is also possible! Through my online webshop you can easily order your own oils. For larger purchases and/or wanting to work more with oils, you better order just like me directly at doTerra with discount. I like to tell you more about this.
