Ina Jansen
De kracht van acceptatie
De kracht van acceptatie

“volg je gevoel en voel de gevolgen”

ik help jou, vanuit je zachte kracht, accepteren

Intuïtief, in alle eenvoud, samen met mijn team van gidsen reis ik met je mee en verbind ik jou met je eigen liefde en licht. Je trilling resoneert weer met de oerbron, je voelt je krachtig en geïnspireerd om vanuit je hart, vanuit je ziel jouw reis in volle potentie te leven.

Cura Creativa

Pure, authentic, full of beauty and love, I inspire you and leave you breathless, touched to all your cells. Creating felt and spinning wool, an ancient meditative process which I combine with healing. The connection...
Read more "Cura Creativa"

Healing Online

Do you……. seek your strength, the joy, the love in yourself? Do you want to be fully devoted to your higher self and to the divine love within you? Then I invite you to go...
Read more "Healing Online"

Wat als het lijntje breekt…. – EN

The line is thin. Elaborating on something that already stands. With a thin thread you might say. The little line that is always there between... Read more "Wat als het lijntje breekt…. – EN"

Naïef ? -EN

Ik weet het niet. De afgelopen twee maanden was ik in verbinding met twee lieve mensen, potentiële hoeders van het landje in de vallei. Ik... Read more "Naïef ? -EN"

Tot dat het klopt…. – EN

Waardevol deze woorden. Voelen totdat het klopt, brengt healing in mij, de ander en de wereld. Het is een levens-taak en het word je niet... Read more "Tot dat het klopt…. – EN"

Cura Caminho

Cura Caminho

Biking,hiking, nature, off grid, beauty, authentic, trust, surrender, grateful, meeting, connecting ….rust.

In the silence, you hear everything.

It was there, that flash…..The moment I decided to cycle from Portugal to the Netherlands and back.

We are the creation of our own reality. Live and feel the power of acceptance.

I traveled with sounds, my drums-and also with means, in energy-to the magical world of Love and Light.

Of pleasure and enjoyment, of crafts, of healing, of ceremonies, of fire and of water, of rituals, of pain, of death and violence….and rebirth.

The journey of life and death and everything in between.

Your body carries information and memories from the lives of your (for) parents.

Your themes in life and relationship issues are ancient and not new or started with you.

The body demands awareness.

Feel who you are and what your body wants to tell you.

Much that is lived unconsciously comes from cell -information of the body.

Everything is connected, holistically, body-soul and mind….


Attention heals:

Being kind to yourself. Meditation. Music/ sounds. Relaxing. Slowing down. Feeling. Being gentle. Opening yourself up to miracles.

Het is de vrouwelijke, intuïtieve kracht in iedereen die de weg zal wijzen.

It is the feminine, intuitive force within everyone that will show the way..

Already many souls have allowed me to accompany them on their own unique journey, read more experiences here.

The more darkness you clear in yourself from your subconscious, the lighter and more positive the world will become. We may trust in nature.

On your nature…… are your own healer.